As you know, Ross, our nursery assistant, retired recently. We had a wee party for him with the children, and I know he really appreciated the gifts, cards, and best wishes you all sent in for him. We wish Ross all the very best for his retirement. Hopefully, these restrictions will end soon, and he’ll be able to get on with some of the things he has planned!
Ross has been ably replaced by Tara, who’s doing a great job keeping the wee ones fed and watered! She’s been a great addition to the team, and we welcome her to Clarkston Nursery.
Haggis Hurl
On Friday the 27th of November, we’ll be having our annual Haggis Hurl! The sponsor forms are on their way to you, and any pennies you can drum up will be much appreciated! Fundraising is a challenge for us this year, as you’ll appreciate! I’m so sorry I can’t invite you all to join us this year – these restrictions are a real fun squasher!! But we’ll make sure the wee ones have fun, at least. If your child doesn’t come on a Friday, they’ll have the opportunity to take part on the last day they do attend that week. It’s always good fun as the wee ones try to catch as many Haggis as they can!
Outward Bound
This is going really well. The children are loving building dens at the local park, and they even take their snack with them and have a picnic! Hopefully, all of the children will have an opportunity to take part as the year rolls on.
Can you keep in mind that the children spend some time outdoors everyday and make sure they’re dressed appropriately for the weather.
Can I also ask that anyone whose child has come home wearing nursery clothes, pants, or socks for whatever reason, can you return these to us, please? We’ve completely run out of socks!! Thank you.
We’re doing a bit of learning around the passing of time with the wee ones at the moment. So, days of the week, the changing seasons, darker nights – that kind of thing. If the opportunity occurs for you to extend this at home, it’s a great way of helping children cement their learning.
I’m really missing being able to have you all in the nursery at the moment! As you know it’s one of my favourite parts of this job – but what can we do! Keep an eye on the windows of the door at drop off and collection. We’re posting some of the photos from the Halloween Party there this week, and next week we’ll share some of the Outward Bound pics with you. At least it will give you a glimpse of what’s going on in nursery till such times as we can invite you in again.
So keep safe, everyone. Keep in touch with each other – and with me. It’s feeling a bit like Groundhog day at the moment, so let’s all look out for each other. You know where I am if you fancy a chat, or send me an email if you’ve any concerns. And just keep thinking about how much we’ll appreciate everything, and each other, when we get back to normal!
Maureen and the staff team. x
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